JL Waite Financial Scholarship for High School Seniors

Our Goal
Make Your Money Live As Long As You Do!
We at JL Waite Financial Group welcome you to a new way of thinking about finances. Our mission statement is simple: “To help people save now to have a steady stream of income later that they can never outlive.”
We do this by giving people a free financial education about how money works and how to have money work for them rather than them for their money. By placing one’s money in the right place a person is able to participate with the market with no downside risk. Furthermore that money can grow tax free!
With over 3,000 people that we serve our goal over the past 28 years has been and continues to be to stay on top of changes in tax laws and new products available to better position one’s assets to receive maximum growth to ensure a secure retirement.
Call today for a no cost, no obligation ‘Get Acquainted’ meeting, and begin your financial planning process now!
Personal Stories

Living Benefits Story (David Garcia)

Why Living Benefit Riders Matter